Golden girls
In 2012, Mutare Teachers’ College made history in Zimbabwe where for the first time its SRC’s key posts were occupied by female students with one male student occupying the Gender Secretary post. It was a testament that these girls broke the barriers of patriarchy by dominating key posts in SRC. FSNT celebrated the success of the girls through a Convention under the theme “Girl Child Empowerment”. Their victory inspired other female students to participate in institutional election processes. It became a yardstick for leadership transformation in institutions of higher learning where the Network has recognized a significant change in female leadership in Universities and Colleges.
Since 2005 FSNT saw an increase in female student’s representation and participation from 2% to 30% in which 7% out of 30% occupied other influential position such as Secretary General, Treasurer Generals and Vice Presidents. FSNT managed to create a safe platform for interaction of student organizations to mainstream gender equality. The organization also established cordial working relations with institutions higher learning. The Network has become a resource center for Masters/ PHD students who would want to research on gender issues and other related topics.
Monday 0830hrs 1630hrs
Tuesday 0830hrs-1630hrs
Wednesday 0830hrs-1630hrs
Thursday 0830hrs-1630hrs
Friday 0830hrs-1300hrs